Security Gates

Security GateSecurity gates usually provide the entrance and exit points for a perimeter fence surrounding a property. They are most commonly used in commercial applications and schools, but are increasingly popular with homeowners keen to keep their property safe and secure.

Commercial security gates

In a commercial setting, it is essential that a security gate is selected and installed to complement the entire perimeter fencing to ensure that it does not become the weak link in an overall solution.

For educational institutions such as schools, safeguarding students is paramount. Having a clearly marked boundary between public and school property will help to prevent trespassers and students wandering off premise. The right type of fencing alongside gates will certainly send a strong message to parents and other visitors about the commitment to safeguarding.

Private security gates

For use in a private property, the protection of security gates provides peace of mind. Children and pets have a secure barrier between the property and a busy road, at the same time acting as a deterrent to potential intruders.

Trentwood Fencing provides a supply and install service for security gates throughout Oxfordshire and the surrounding area.

Please call 01865 863428 or 07900 938061 to discuss any special requirements

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